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Terms and conditions – corporate payment services
Terms and conditions
Here you can find and download terms and conditions for products aimed at corporate customers
General terms and conditions
General terms and conditions corporate accounts and payment services
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BankID and SHBID
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Product terms and conditions – payments
Payments to Bankgiro and Plusgiro
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Supplier payments
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Direct payments via Handelsbanken's online banking services
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Autogiro (direct debit), for beneficiaries
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Mandate for payment via Autogiro
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Swedish kronor transfers
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Cross-border payments
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Ordering a cross-border payment with a payment report
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Corporate Payment Services GlobalOn-Line
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Swish Handel
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Swish Företag
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Swish Payout
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Transfers to and from corporate currency accounts
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Tax authorisation (in Swedish only)
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Salary payments
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Payroll service
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One-off payments at branches
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Product terms and conditions – cards
Business Card
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Business Debit
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Pricelist corporate (pdf 1.1
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Pricelist Self-employed
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