Regulations – insurance distribution

From 1 October 2018, increased protection will be in place when you purchase insurance products.
Kvinna och man tittar på läsplatta

Increased customer protection in conjunction with advisory services

What will this mean?

Common regulations are in place for insurance distribution in Sweden and other EU countries. These are based on an EU directive, the Insurance Distribution Directive, IDD, which came into force on 1 July 2018. 

The Directive is being incorporated into Swedish law through a new law on insurance distribution, which applies from 1 October 2018. The new law replaces the Swedish Insurance Mediation Act. 

The aim of the new law is to strengthen customer protection by refining and extending the regulations for pursuing insurance distribution. The goal is for customer protection to be equally strong for all types of financial advisory services. 

The customer in focus

The customer will benefit from increased protection through regulations for greater transparency and clearer information on insurance products.

The most important changes for you: