Best execution

Downloadable files with regard to type of instrument

MiFID 2 requirements

According to the requirements of MiFID 2 (Directive 2014/65 of the European Parliament and of the Council and in the delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/576.), investment firms shall publish, for each class of financial instruments, a statement of the five most used marketplaces, i.e. where execution has taken place (based on volume) and the five most used brokers to execute customer orders. This will be updated annually. 

The analysis performed and conclusions drawn by Handelsbanken on the quality of execution based on monitoring during the previous year is summarised and published in connection with the above statement of results on marketplaces and brokers. 

The regulatory requirements to publish a report listing the top five venues and brokers, and a report regarding the best execution quality has been removed as the reports did not meet the expected use to investors. In line with ESMA recommendations, Handelsbanken will therefore not produce new versions of said reports.


Summary best execution 2022 (pdf) Opens in a new window

Summary best execution 2021 (pdf) Opens in a new window

Bästa utförande 2021 - 2022

Filerna är komprimerade zip-filer. Klicka för att ladda ned.

2022 2021
Equities – Shares & Depositary Receipts
Debt instruments
Interest rate derivatives
Currency derivatives
Equity derivatives
Warrants, Certificates and Securitized derivatives
Commodities derivatives and Emission allowances derivatives
Exchange traded products
All files are downloadable zip-files